Random Freestyle
Embroidery Giraffe Patches rsTigerIMG_8020-1IMG_7947-106rsRoger rs

Random Freestyle Embroidery Technique

R80.00 R56.00

Name Range Discount
Sale 1 - 25 30 %

Product Description

This is a wonderful way to fill up a space. It is textured, it is interesting and is really rather easy – once you get started.

The technique is best worked with a single strand of thread and whilst it is often hard to find variegated threads that include colours that you need in any particular area, they do give the most interesting effect.  I use them where I can but will also use solid colours if I can’t find a variegated thread with the colours I want.

In the video clip on the tuition page, the technique is worked with variegated perle no. 5 thread on a 65 mm circle.  Instructions are provided on the tuition page and there is also a downloadable and printable PDF document with the same instructions and illustrations.

The 33 minute video tuition clip is filmed in high resolution and is accompanied with voice over instructions to guide you through the learning process.

Purchase it now and you will be sent the link and password to enter the private domain where you will find this video instruction.