Freestyle Embroidered Mandalas


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Hazel Blomkamp & Di van Niekerk with Monique Day-Wilde.

Publisher: Metz Press
Edition: BC Paperback
Publication: 01 November 2018
ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782217053
Size: 193×260 mm
Illustrations: 600
Pages: 112

Over 25 luminous mandalas designs to stitch by master embroiderers Hazel Blomkamp and Di van Niekerk and fine artist Monique Day-Wilde

In this unique book, master embroiderers Hazel Blomkamp and Di van Niekerk have come together with fine artist Monique Day-Wilde to create a collection of luminous designs inspired by the beauty and mysticism of mandalas.

Using Moniques original mandala designs as their templates, Hazel and Di have adorned the rounded outlines with creative surface embroidery using a wide range of stitches and techniques resulting in stunning combinations. From simple, monochromatic line patterns to colourful and flamboyant bead-and-thread fusions, the embroidered mandalas will inspire and delight everyone from beginners to the most experienced.

Throughout the book the authors share plenty of ideas and tips, and offer instruction with a fresh approach to surface embroidery. There is a complete stitch gallery with illustrations and instructions for all the stitches and techniques used including old favourites, such as simple back- and chain stitches, as well as the more intricate needle lace, trellis couching and weaving. Beadwork is also explored to add sparkle and finishing touches, and special effects are created by incorporating the occasional bit of trapunto, ribbon embroidery and appliqué.

Both line and colour templates of the designs are included, with a detailed stitch diagram and list of threads and materials for every project. A selection of templates also show different embroidery treatments to illustrate how versatile the designs are.

Fall into a captivating treasure trove of whorled stitches and silk, and discover the beautiful world designed by these renowned artists of needle and brush.

When it was decided to put this book together, a short time line was proposed. It would not have been possible to complete it without an enthusiastic team of competent South African embroiderers. These ladies, who became known as ‘our work party’, were chosen not only for their competence but also because they are all jolly nice people. Grateful thanks are due to every single one of them:

Margie Breetzke
Sandra Kloppers
Karen Nell
Pat Burchell
Carol Carl
Louise Grimbeek
Jane Renton
Alexandra Cullen
Hanli Smith
Pat van Wyk