This Masterclass has been formulated to assist all who find Long and Short Stitch shading difficult to do.
There are many different ways to achieve good results and none of them are wrong. This online class teaches you how I do it. It is based years of experience with a lot of unpicking along the way. Most importantly, though, many students have reported back to me that for the first time, they have been able to stitch acceptable shading by doing it my way. My hope is that this will happen to you.
Along with the video class, there are extensive notes, templates and a small project for you to try once you have mastered the techniques covered in the video class. These are provided in pdf format and when you click on the link on the tuition page, it will open in a new tab and whilst you can save it on your hard drive, you will probably want to print it so that you are able to trace the templates onto fabric. It is 16 x A4 pages. Should you wish to stitch along with me, you will require a stable, medium weight cotton or linen fabric (approximately 32 threads per inch). You will also require single strands of cotton or silk in a range of colours. I have listed what I used below. DMC Stranded Cotton threads: 150, 319, 320, 326, 335, 367, 369, 899 and 3326. If you choose to work the small project, you will require a stable, medium weight Ecru or off-white cotton or linen fabric (approximately 32 threads per inch) with a cotton voile backing fabric. A block that measures 150 mm² will be sufficient. You will also require single strands of cotton or silk in a range of colours. I have listed what I used below. DMC Stranded Cotton threads: 520, 522, 524, 739, 777, 961, 962, 963, 3716. For both the masterclass and the project, you will need a 6″ hoop and size 10 embroidery needles.
Register now and you will be sent the access document with all the information you need to enter the private domain where you will find everything you need to get going.
As with all online classes and documents, this is for you and you only. Please respect my hard work and my copyright by not sharing it with others. That’s only fair.